Set up your Studio in a Box!

First things first, all artists need a studio. It is a place to work and express yourself. Sometimes there is not enough space to have a crazy studio like Mrs. Rennalls. However you can make your own studio on the smallest space ever. First you need a shoebox and a piece of cardboard. The non-greasy side of a pizza box is great.













Next, find a few old mugs or bowls.




Add whatever glue and tape you have.  Duct tape is nice for binding.




Maybe, some glitter or art supplies.



Add your old markers, crayons, pencils,  and  scissors.



Find an old tub for mixing and garbage.



Almost there!



Add an old ruler.



Maybe, a paintbrush.



Everything in!



Work mats can be made from throw away cardboard.




There you have it! a studio that you can take anywhere.

The Game is on….

So, now that you are  interested  in trying out some new things, let’s get started!  Remember when I asked you to check out the crafting materials at your house?  Well, some of you might be saying that there is nothing there.  I find that when this happens I have to look outside the box.  And, sometimes a box is full of potential.  I love to re-purpose things. I especially love to recycle things that would normally be thrown away.  Always ask your guardians if you can use the found materials. You never know if something is valuable to them, or if they have plans to re-purpose/ recycle the item themselves.  Here are some of the things that we throw out that can be used to make some groovy stuff:

paper towel rolls


broken crayons

boxes of all shapes and kinds


old toys

unsoiled pizza box lids

old/ or scratched DVD’s/ LP’s