As I move along this path to my Masters in Library Science, I gain more insight into the scope of my role as a librarian. I must admit that I began this course on technology and how it can be used in the school library setting with a small amount of trepidation. Technology is evolving exponentially and I find it hard to just keep up with my Facebook page. I taught reading, language arts, and social studies for over 10 years. While in the classroom, I introduced technology to engage, enlighten, and delight my students. By the time I left my smaller classroom for the bigger one that is the library, I thought I was doing a lot for my students. Alas, I was uninformed!
Through this course I have learned a great deal about the implementation of technology in the library. Some of the things that I had already embraced were:
- Screencasts
- Youtube videos
- QR Codes
- Infographics
- Podcasts
Library self promotion was one of the lessons that I got a lot out of and embraced. Creating a Newport Elementary Library page was extrremely helpful in gathering followers/supporters and getting the message out on all of the things we are doing. Since my principal, superintendent, fellow teachers, and curriculum heads are friends on FB, my postings often brought them into the library. I think this one act allowed greater transperancy in the library. I think that often people are not aware of our role and all we do. Linking to FB also cahallenged me to seek more help and be less autonomous. It was also helpful to share are new arrivals and events.
I feel as I have joined a million sites and applications, but I think the ones I have found most useful are:
- Tumbler- a great feed.
- Animoto- my book trailers never looked so good.
- All of the Comic sites.
The Tumbler site was useful as the feed could be self directed. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with my List Serv feed.Tumber follows who I follow. I loved the finished product of the Animoto book trailers. I just went ahead and bought the subscription. The results are so professional and I can play them while the students are looking for their books. I am very excited about all of the comic sites as I want to demonstrate and then implement them during our Makerspace time. I can link directly with my writing teachers and publish in the library. So often there is not time for self-publishing in the classroom.
My wish for the future is that I will have the resources to do all that I would like to do with my students. I recently received a set of 18-mini IPads that are checked out as a set to teachers who sign up for them through Google Calendar. When not in use, I would like to use them for multiple projects. I also wish that I access to a printer (at school) that would publish my infographics for me. Currently, I am publishing them on book marks. I will continue to add to my blogs. I have a few technical difficulties to deal with, but eventually I would like to consolidate all of m y blog posts onto one feed.
Technolgy is amazing and I will be adding resources in a responsible manner to our library space. I find that I have to slow instruction down to incorporate these new technologies into my students.
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