Videos and QR Codes in the Library

QR codes and the Youtube channel are some of the most dynamic and useful tools available to library patrons today.  QR codes are scanable icons that link to Youtube videos offering additional information about the book that bears the code.  Youtube is also a great way to view information on almost any topic  in the world!  Youtube is a great teaching tool, but with any web-based information database it is always best to verify the information presented therein.  Below I have listed a few sites created by libraries and students to help present subjects that can be of interest to library patrons.

This site is vluable for students.

This site is valuable for students.


These two sites students would really like.


I created this book trailer on Youtube last fall:

After creating an account with Animoto I created this book trailer.

I really love how Animoto turned an ordinary book talk into an engaging and entertaining experience.  All the information for creating this book talk was available online.  Not having to write up all the book  reviews myself frees me up to read more books.  I can now have more time to help my patrons find books they really love.  My bookmark’s now do double duty.  They inform as well as hold my patron’s place. I can now commit to doing at least one review every two weeks.  I loved sharing this on our Facebook page for our library community to be aware of all that we offer.

Below you will find the QR code that I generated for this review:



The Newport Library recently acquired 18 Ipad mini’s for check out.  I intend to have the QR code  Ap installed on each of them for use in the library when the Ipads are not in a classroom. I love the reflection QR Codes provided byLearning in Hand by Tony V.  I am going to print out that cube for my teachers.  I recently bought bookmarks with embedded QR codes for  the latest and most popular books on Teachers Pay Teachers.    I realize that it is not possible for me to do everything myself.  I will now add Appleblossum the Possum, to a new bookmark. Buying great book talks allows me to make additional book talks of my own.




Published by

Ann Marie Rennalls

I am a veteran teacher and lover of projects that enrich the lives of children and their families.

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